Center for Graduate School InnovationCenter for Graduate School Innovation

The Center for Graduate School Innovation is a university-wide organization
that plans, prepares, and coordinates common education, career support,
and study/research environment improvements for graduate school students.


University Fellowship Foundation Program

                                     Note: Tohoku University Doctoral Fellowship has been integrated into the Pioneering Research Support Project from April 2024.

In February 2021, Tohoku University was selected for MEXT's "University Fellowship Creation Project for Innovation in Science and Technology," which aims to improve the treatment of doctoral students and ensure career paths are available to them. Our center provides support to doctoral students by managing this project.

Title:Tohoku University Doctoral Fellowship

Quota: 120 students (per academic year)
 -Resilience studies: 40 students
 -IT/AI/smart systems: 30 students
 -Quantum/spintronics: 20 students
 -Matter/materials science: 30 students

Details will be announced through your graduate school and/or degree program.

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