Division for International Joint Graduate ProgramsDivision for International Joint Graduate Programs

The Division for International Joint Graduate Degree Programs has selected fields utilizing the strengths of
the university, allowing it to lead the global community and contribute to vital human development; at the same time,
it implements joint education through spreading Tohoku University's expertise beyond the bounds of the department and
strong collaboration with influential universities overseas, with the aim of contributing to and cultivating global talent.

Introduction to the programs

Program name Graduate Program in Spintronics (GP-Spin)Graduate Program in Spintronics (GP-Spin)
Program Leader Professor Takafumi Sato, Advanced Institute for Materials Research
Program outline Tohoku University advocates an ‘Open Doors’ policy utilizing its uniqueness and strengths as a research-focused university. The Graduate Program in Spintronics (GP-Spin) was established to cultivate global talent in the field of spintronics in collaboration with overseas educational research institutions. With the aim of creating a globally-connected place where students can develop the talent they need to thrive in the international community, this program gathers world-class teachers from Tohoku University and overseas educational research institutions, providing education in the field of spintronics beyond a material framework--from mathematics to application and from the classical to the quantum.
URL http://gp-spin.tohoku.ac.jp/en/
Program name The International Joint Graduate Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences (GP-EES)The International Joint Graduate Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences (GP-EES)
Program Leader Professor Toshio Suga, Graduate School of Science
Program outline The International Joint Graduate Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences (GP-EES) has been established to train graduate students at Tohoku University in collaboration with world-leading universities. Based on the achievements of the Global COE program on Earth and Planetary Dynamics, GP-EES aims to foster internationally successful scientists who address important problems on “Seamless Earth” from deep Earth through ocean and atmosphere to the interplanetary space.
URL http://gp-ees.tohoku.ac.jp/en/
Program name Graduate Program in Data Science (GP-DS)Graduate Program in Data Science (GP-DS)
Program Leader President-appointed Extraordinary Professor Mitsuyuki Nakao, Unprecedented-scale Data Analytics Center
Program outline The graduate program in Data Science provides an integrated educational/research environment in which the students can learn the foundations of data science, such as analytics and computer science as well as the translational aspects of data science. It is conducted by the Graduate School of Information Sciences in cooperation with the Graduate Schools of Engineering, Economics and Management, Life Sciences, Medicine, and Science (Mathematics). The students join the program in their 2nd year of the master course and work for the doctoral degree under the joint supervision of dual mentors in the partner and Tohoku universities. The curriculum consists of data science subjects, training in big data analysis, big data challenges, and long-term collaborative research with the partner university.
URL http://gp-ds.tohoku.ac.jp/index_en.html
Program name Graduate Program on Physics for the Universe (GP-PU)Graduate Program on Physics for the Universe (GP-PU)
Program Leader Professor Kunio Inoue, Research Center for Neutrino Science
Program outline The research and educational field of GP-PU broadly covers physics related to the Universe, i.e. elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, astronomy and cosmology. The educational program contains actual practice using cutting edge devices and systems developed alongside the construction of large scale high energy and nuclear experiments, in which Tohoku University is deeply involved. It also nurtures academic leadership with a series of hot-topic seminars followed by facilitated discussions.
URL http://gp-pu.tohoku.ac.jp/
Program name Neuro Global International Joint Graduate ProgramNeuro Global International Joint Graduate Program (NGP)
Program Leader Professor Noriko Osumi, Graduate School of Medicine
Program outline Neuro Global International Graduate Program aims to nurture students in an international environment by collaborating with top-class foreign universities in the field of neuroscience and related life sciences. English-based lectures covering a wide range of research fields have been systematically established. The students will also enjoy significant benefits from a retreat with foreign students as well as an internship abroad after QE1. Core facilities with cutting-edge equipment are open to students belonging to the program.
URL http://www.neuroglobal.tohoku.ac.jp/en/
Program name Graduate Program for Integration of Mechanical Systems (GP-Mech)Graduate Program for Integration of Mechanical Systems (GP-Mech)
Program Leader Professor Kazuya Yoshida, Graduate School of Engineering
Program outline The graduate program for Integration of Mechanical Systems develops a multi-disciplinary study including robotics and aerospace engineering. These subjects require the integration of various knowledge bases and an insight on mechanical systems. Continuing on with our activities toward globalization, the program offers an international education and research environment and the opportunity to work on the cutting edge technology in the world. This environment fosters our researchers and engineers to lead global innovation by designing and implementing integrated mechanical systems that work for challenging applications.
URL http://gp-mech.tohoku.ac.jp/en/
Program name International Graduate Program in Japanese Studies (GP-JS)International Graduate Program in Japanese Studies (GP-JS)
Program Leader Professor Koji Ohno, Graduate School of Arts and Letters
Program outline The goals of this graduate program can be summarized in the following 3 points.
① To take up issues such as “conflict resolution” and “sustainability” that have become urgent issues in contemporary society and to further the development of multidisciplinary, pluralistic, and innovative “Japanese Studies.”
② To propose solutions to contemporary social issues based on "empathy" and "harmony" and to pursue policies that can bring about well-being.
③ In implementing goals ① and ② above, to train leaders who can be active in international society and who will make broad scholarly accomplishments.
URL https://www.sal.tohoku.ac.jp/gpjs/en/
Program name International Joint Graduate Program in Materials Science (GP-MS)International Joint Graduate Program in Materials Science (GP-MS)
Program Leader Professor Katsunari Oikawa, Graduate School of Engineering
Program outline The International Joint Graduate Program in Materials Science, which we aim to establish by 2019, will offer an advanced and comfortable research environment to students around the world. The goal is to cultivate global-minded leaders who can take up active roles in cutting- edge technologies based on materials science. It will also serve as a bridge between academia and industry. An interdisciplinary approach is called for to solve complex challenges such as energy and environmental issues.
URL http://gp-ms.tohoku.ac.jp/en/index.html
Program name International Joint Graduate Program in Resilience and Safety Studies (GP-RSS)International Joint Graduate Program in Resilience and Safety Studies (GP-RSS)
Program Leader Professor Tomoki Nakaya, Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Program outline The issues of safety and security have become more important in the world. We aim to develop cutting-edge education programs for top leaders in global safety sciences for humans and society through understanding mechanisms that generate disasters/risk, and their various associated dangers. Leaders should contribute to safety and security against natural disasters, human induced disasters, disputes, and cyber security. The program cultivates human resources, with discipline in their studies and clear decision-making skills, based on true knowledge derived from academic research, who will make a better future.
URL http://gp-rss.tohoku.ac.jp/en/index.html
Program name International Joint Graduate Program in Integrated Chemistry (GP-Chem)International Joint Graduate Program in Integrated Chemistry (GP-Chem)
Program Leader Professor Yujiro Hayashi, Graduate School of Science
Program outline "Chemistry" covers almost all phenomena involving molecules. This graduate program is organized to bundle faculty members and students with different backgrounds across many graduate schools of the university, and promotes interdisciplinary chemistry education and research by making the best use of their diversity. By conducting world-class education and joint research on a global scale in collaboration with advanced overseas universities, we offer education to nurture human resources who can develop new chemistry that is fused with physics, biology, and information science, and solve the global challenges we face.
URL https://gp-chem.tohoku.ac.jp/
Program name Graduate Program in Food Science (GP-Food)
Program Leader Professor Tomonori Nochi, Graduate School of Agriculture
Program outline To address problems confronting humanity, such as population growth and climate change in an interdisciplinary manner, we are developing an academic and research environment to help overcome world’s food difficulties through our international joint graduate program, “Food Science.” This program aims to foster emerging talent with a global perspective who will be involved in developing the next generation of food science research.
URL https://www.agri.tohoku.ac.jp/en/gp-food/

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