Center for Graduate School Innovation
The Center for Graduate School Innovation is a university-wide organization
that plans, prepares, and coordinates common education, career support,
and study/research environment improvements for graduate school students.
Transferable Skills
Development Program
The Graduate School of Tohoku University is committed to
developing a diverse skill set in graduate students, enabling
them to excel beyond their specific areas of study.
What are Transferable Skills?
Transferable Skills are perceived as skills that are applicable to a variety of situations, rather than being confined to a specific field. For early-career researchers and PhD students, these Transferable Skills represent a crucial concept that broadens their knowledge and experiences beyond their academic field. This broadening aids in the development of their career paths, preventing them from being limited to a narrow range of experiences. Upon completion of this program, you will receive an Open Badge, which will be officially certified by Tohoku University.
How to take the program?
This program comprises three components designed to enhance the “Transferable Skills” of students. There are two programs available for Master’s course students and Doctoral course students, respectively. Upon completion of this program, you will receive an Open Badge, which will be officially certified by Tohoku University.
For more details, please refer to the guidelines below. It is only available from the campus network.
Transferable Skills Development Program (DC)
What contents are included?
Transferable Skills Workshop
In this workshop, you will learn the concept of "Transferable Skills" and "Researcher Development Framework” through the On-Demand webinars and lecture videos. Worksheet will help you to reflect your past experiences and recognize your multiple skills and consider furthermore.
Research Skills Enhancement Seminar Series
To submit an academic paper to an international journal and have it published after peer review, good research is required. It is important to gather various information for submission, knowledge for publication, and methods of presenting research results. In this Seminar Series, you will learn multiple techniques through different webinars for your development.
PhDC Career Seminar
When considering your career after obtaining a degree, it is necessary to explore various career paths. In these career seminars, we will consider employment in your specialized fields, as well as employment outside of your specialized fields. You will learn about what is necessary when considering your own career, the sense of schedule for job hunting activities, and strategies for employment.
(Details refer to the guidelines)