Basic Ph.D. Literacy(Graduate School Common Subject)
Ph.D. Literacy Fostering Course
(For PD)

Opportunity to widen your interdisciplinary network.

Hands-on education program to develop your essential ability necessary in academia and/or industry.

Enhancement of transferable skills (skills applicable to various fields outside your specialty).

*Open Badge will be issued.


Main language of this class is Japanese (partly English). Depending on the instructor, handouts may also be mainly in Japanese.

FY2024, Spring semester May 14 – July 2

Course Registration Period:
 Mon, April 8, 2024- Fri, April 19, 2024
FY2024, Fall semester OCT. 22 – Dec 10 

Course Registration Period:
 Mon, Oct. 1, 2024 – Fri, Oct. 14, 2024



Object and Summary of Class

In this course, Ph.D. literacy is viewed as a comprehensive ability to survive as a doctor (as a researcher and as a person). At its core is the ability to conduct research (research capability). This includes the ability to come up with ideas and use logic. The research capability is refined mainly through daily life in the laboratory. And most of them can be used across disciplines. This course will start with an awareness of this fact. Further, there are some additional qualities and capabilities that you will need after you obtain your degree, irrespective of whether you go into academia or business. They are those that involve people-to-people relationships. The first ones are the ability to communicate with the people close to you and the management skills to execute projects. In the main part of this course, we aim to raise the level of these qualities and capabilities. It also aims to arouse your awareness of issues ranging from personal to global and to provide an opportunity for students in different fields to build new human networks.


Class Contents and Location

Both semesters will be conducted face-to-face.
Location▶Room110 Engineering Laboratory Complex Building(C10) 

Tue. 9:00-12:00

Training Camps; Attendance is required Hanamaya Seisyounen-Sizen-no-Ie / 1Night 2Days /

Accommodation fee of 1,200 yen and food fee of approximately 3,000 yen (4 meals/buffet style) must be paid in advance to PhDC.

Days and times differ from those of regular lectures. Details will be notified to students at a later date.









Spring Semester Order and Schedule

① Tue May 14 “Science and trans-science 1” KUDO Seishi
② Tue May 21 “Transferable skills in research activity” YAMANOUCHI Yasunori
③ Tue May 28-Wed May29 “Understanding of people and the power of communication (Training Camp; Attendance is required)” FUJISAKI Hiromi
④ Tue June 4 “What is Research Integrity?” SASAKI Takahiko/YAMANOUCHI Yasunori
⑤ Tue June 11 “Fundamental project management 1” KATO Shuzo
⑥ Tue June 18 “Fundamental project management 2” KATO Shuzo
⑦ Tue June 25 “Fundamental project management 3” KATO Shuzo
⑧ Tue July 2 “Science and trans-science 2” KUDO Seishi

* Some class content may be subject to change.


Fall Semester Order and Schedule

① Tue Oct.22 “Science and trans-science 1” KUDO Seishi
② Tue Oct.29 “Transferable skills in research activity” YAMANOUCHI Yasunori
Wed Nov.6-Thu Nov.7 “Understanding of people and the power of communication (Training Camp; Attendance is required)” FUJISAKI Hiromi
④ Tue Nov.12 “Fundamental project management 1” KATO Shuzo
⑤ Tue Nov.19 “Fundamental project management 2” KATO Shuzo
⑥ Tue Nov.26 “Fundamental project management 3” KATO Shuzo
⑦ Tue Dec.3 “What is Research Integrity?” SASAKI Takahiko/YAMANOUCHI Yasunori
⑧ Tue Dec.10 “Science and trans-science 2” KUDO Seishi


* Some class content may be subject to change.



In Addition

・All applicants must register for the following ‘Registration’. Several lecturers invited from inside and outside the university will be in charge.

・The main language is Japanese (partly English).

・Students who wish to take the course must register for the course during each registration period, using the Academic Affairs system.

・If you will be absent due to unavoidable circumstances such as conference presentations, please contact the PhDC office in advance


What you need

●Bring your own laptop.



Registration for “Ph.D. Literacy Fostering Course” for postdocs

Applications are now being accepted for the first semester of 2024 for the “Ph.D. Literacy Fostering Course

If you are currently a postdoctoral fellow and wish to take the course, please apply here.


*The application link above is for postdocs only.

Doctoral students who wish to enroll in the Graduate School Common Subject “Basic Ph.D. Literacy” should apply through the Educational Records and Programs system.




*If you would like to be the first to hear from PhDC, please sign up for the “PhDC Information Service”.

PhDC information service

We use a mailing list for PhDC registrants to send you information Innovative Leaders Fostering Course, etc. via email.
If you have already signed up for any of the following 4 programs: ①” Basic Ph.D. Literacy”/Ph.D. Literacy Fostering Course(Former“Innovative Leaders Fostering Course”)  ② Research Internship Support(”Doctoral Internship ”), ③ Individual Career Support,, ④ Job Fair Dr. Presenter, you do not need to sign up for “PhDC information service.”

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