Interdepartmental Doctoral Degree Program for Multi-dimensional Materials Science Leaders - Tohoku University Program for Leading Graduate Schools


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MD program student’s co-authored paper is on a cover of Applied Physics Letters

The paper “Enhancement-mode two-channel triple quantum dot from an undoped Si/Si0.8Ge0.2 quantum well hetero-structure” co-authored by an MD program student, Kohei KATAOKA has been featured on the cover of Applied Physics Letters Vol. 112 No. 23.

KATAOKA joined Emerging technology division, National Research Council of Canada from March to June 2017 in his “MD program International Internship” and he was responsible for the measurement to confirm a formation of the quantum dot and charge sensing experiment at low-temperature. ” I believe that this quantum dot device is one of the most promising platforms for the future Quantum Computing and I would like to continue to engage the research with this field,” KATAOKA said.


KATAOKA at National Research Council of Canada