Interdepartmental Doctoral Degree Program for Multi-dimensional Materials Science Leaders - Tohoku University Program for Leading Graduate Schools


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MD program student receives The 21th JSAP Tohoku Chapter Encouraging Prize

MD program student KOIKE, Takeo was horned with The 21st “Kouen Shourei-Syo”, Encouraging prize by Japan Society of Applied Physics(JSAP) Tohoku Chapter .
The award ceremony and the prize lecture was held on January 21st,2017 at Tohoku University’s Researdch Institute of Electrical Communication.

(From left)KOIKE and Prof.Shunichi SATO of Tohoku University, JSAP Tohoku Chapter chief

(From left)Koike and Prof.Shunichi Sato,JSAP Tohoku Chapter chief
Courtesy of JSAP Tohoku Chapter