Interdepartmental Doctoral Degree Program for Multi-dimensional Materials Science Leaders - Tohoku University Program for Leading Graduate Schools


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March 10◆ MD program and ALP’ s Joint Symposium at Tohoku

Northern Japan’s Two Materials Science field’s Leading Graduate Programs, Tohoku University’s MD Program and Hokkaido University’s ALP, will co-host a joint open symposium on March 10, 2015.
Dr.Motoko Kotani, Director of WPI-AIMR Tohoku University and MD program member, will give a keynote speech titled, “Mathematical Challenge to structural understanding of Materials” at the symposium.
* the event will be held in Japanese.

MD program and ALP joint open symposium
“The Future of Materials Science”

When: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 1:00pm ~ 4:00pm

Where: Conference Room at Aobayama East Campus Center hall 2F

Admission: Free

Language: Japanese

Advance registration is required for the event. Please click here to register.
*Closing date for the registration :
 March 6, 2015

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