Interdepartmental Doctoral Degree Program for Multi-dimensional Materials Science Leaders - Tohoku University Program for Leading Graduate Schools


Home > Updates > News > January 20◆ MD Program Admission Event (Additional Session)


January 20◆ MD Program Admission Event (Additional Session)


Interdepartmental Doctoral Degree Program for Multi-dimensional Materials Science Leaders (MD program) will host an additional Information Session on January 20th, 2015.
The session will be held in Japanese, but we take your questions in English during the session.

When: Tuesday, January 20th 3:00 p.m. – 4:30p.m.

Where: MD Program Lecture room at Engineer Laboratory Complex Bld 11F.
Aobayama East campus

◆The information session is designed for:

・Senior student who is accepted to Graduate school of Tohoku University
(Please refer to the list of MD program partipating departments).

・Tohoku University’s M1 student whose affiliation is in the list below.

・Undergraduate student who is interested in MD program.

* We accept a few M2 transfer students for the 2015 spring intake.
* Spring 2015 admission will open in January 2015.

<Departments affiliated with the MD program>

Graduate Schools


Arts and Letters

Humane Studies








Materials Science

Material Processing

Applied Chemistry

Mechanical System and Design

Electronic Engineering

Information Sciences

System Information Sciences

Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies

We look forward to you joining us for these rewarding opportunities.            For further information on the information session, please feel free to contact Student Affairs Section of MD program: md-kyom◎
(Please change ◎ to @ when sending an email).